R O B E R T   P R Z E D P E Ł S K I

One of the two guitarist at Hot Stuff, the Warsaw hardrock band from early 90ies of XX century.

Author of the Deltaboo project. 

Guitar player, composer.

B E A T A   B E D N A R Z

Known polish vocalist, laureate and guest of many festivals.
She recorded eleven solo albums.
She cooperated with many top polish artists.

Her voice is to hear on many albums:
De Mono (Paparazzi, 1997), Maryla Rodowicz (Życie ładna rzecz, 2002),
Andrzej Piaseczny “Piasek” (Popers, 2000), Halina Frąckowiak (Przystanek
bez drogowskazu
, 2006), Norbi (Norbi-2000 Największe przeboje, 2005),
Budka Suflera (Jest, 2004 and Było, 2005), Stanisław Soyka (Tryptyk, 2003),
Varius Manx (Emi, 2004), Krzysztof Krawczyk (Warto żyć, 2009).

From several years she cooperates with Mała Akademia Jazzu, she familiarize youth with blues
and gospel music. 

[Beata Bednarz website]

E L L A   M I E L C Z A R E K

Polish blues singer, especially active in the 80s.
She is called as „the First Blues Lady”.

On the 80s while she was in her heyday, she suddenly disappeared from the music scene.
She was back with the series of concerts in 2000. 
Since 2003 she performs in concerts in Poland too. 
She recorded two albums and several singles.

[Ella Mielczarek website]

O L A   C H L U D E K

Session musician, artist and a voice teacher. 
She graduated Studium Piosenkarskie in Poznań and Elżbieta Zapendowska Vocal Studio.
She cooperates with the Scorpions group and Mela Koteluk.
She is skillful in scream and growl technique.

[Ola Chludek audios]

  • TOP Guitar

    (...) feel specific mood of smoky cafes and slums smoking rooms. It seems you couldn’t no longer do anything new in blues – this album contradicts this idea. It contains many novelties. Listen to it well, and at every opportunity. I highly recommend it!
    Zbyszek Żak
  • blues 2

    (...) if you are not a fossilized conservative and you like the big E experiments, reach for this album and you will find it as a world standard project. I vouch for it!
    Wiesław A. Chmielewski
  • Merlin.pl


    In the era of rap, techno etc. after a long awaiting a music that soothes my shattered nerves by its melodious and beauty came in to my home. If somebody doesn’t know what music is, should reach into his pocket and buy this album, and soon finds out.