I like the cowboy style mood on this album. Sometimes (for example Piyoo or Maciek) Deltaboo sounds like Morcheba. A lot of black blues, white rock, as tears well up in the eyes.
In the era of rap, techno etc. after a long awaiting a music that soothes my shattered nerves by its melodious and beauty came in to my home. If somebody doesn’t know what music is, should reach into his pocket and buy this album, and soon finds out.
(...) if you are not a fossilized conservative and you like the big E experiments, reach for this album and you will find it as a world standard project. I vouch for it!
(..) This music has such an emotional and sonic charge that it is difficult to find an equivalent on our market. Skillful mixes of the blues legendary voices sounds like recorded during one session with modern artists voices .